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Not recommended, Baquacil is a swimming pool, hydrogen peroxide (Potassium) based chemical. Baqua Spa is the recommended (Potassium) based spa chemical.

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Q: Can you use baquacil with well water?
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Do i have to change water when going from chlorine tablets to baquacil product?

No, you do not have to change the water but you do need to wait until the CL reading is 0 before adding Baquacil or there will be a reaction and the water will turn green.

Can you mix chlorine with baquacil?

No, you should not mix chlorine with Baquacil as they are not compatible chemicals. Mixing them together can cause a chemical reaction that may produce harmful or toxic fumes, and could also reduce the effectiveness of both products in maintaining water quality. It's best to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for each product separately.

How do you measure the chlorine in a baquacil pool?

To measure chlorine in a Baquacil pool, you can use a test kit specifically designed for non-chlorine pools. These kits typically test for the sanitizer levels in Baquacil pools, such as hydrogen peroxide and peroxide-based products. Follow the instructions on the test kit to accurately measure the sanitizer levels in your Baquacil pool.

What is baquacil oxidizer used for?

"Shocking" a baquacil pool. It is a non-chlorine Oxidizer used to help maintain good water clarity by oxidizing organtic compounds in the water from swimmer and other enviornmental debris.

The pH on my pool is low and as I use baquacil what should I add to it?

You would be safest using Baquacil pH Increaser, which is a high purity, highly active dry alkaline product used to raise pool pH. In non-Baquacil pool water, both Soda Ash and Hydrochloric acid are used to raise pH levels. Pool shops are a good place to seek advice also.

Is bromine the same as baquacil?

No, bromine and Baquacil are different chemicals used in water treatment for pools and hot tubs. Bromine is a chemical element often used as an alternative to chlorine, while Baquacil is a branded name for a formulation of polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) and is used as a non-chlorine sanitizer.

When your pool water gets out of balance when using Baquacil do you have go the pool center or can you adjust it yourself?

If you have Baquacil Test Strips then going to the Pool Center would not be necessary, you can just do it yourself and adjust the readings.

Where can you buy Baquacil?

Baquacil pool care systems try following the link below

Is Baquacil Shock the same product as Baquacil Shock and Oxidizer?

Yes, "Baquashock", "Baquacil Shock", and "Baquacil Shock and Oxidizer" are all synonymous. Baquacil has been changing the names through the evolution but it's the same product. Most companies are now selling it as "Oxidizer (Shock)" -

How long does it take to change from baquacil to chlorine?

3 months...its not worth it! It should take only 2 or 3 days to treat chemically. Or you can dump the pool and refill, making sure to rid the filter of all baquacil mess as well (change cartridge, or change sand etc). e-mail me and I can send instructions re how to convert off baquacil.

Can I get step by step instructions to change from baquacil to chlorine?

Go to the site link bellow for a guide to converting from baquacil to chlorine. Keep in mind that if you have a sand filter you will have to also change the sand in it as it will harbor traces of baquacil.

Can you use cholorine in a baquacil pool?

Baquacil and Chlorine are not compatible and if added will turn the water green and throw off all of the other readings. The product that can be used to fix this is called Baquacil Chlorine Neutralizer. You also have to change the sand in your pump, or it will gum up