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Of course as long as your carefull...Im 17 and when I started shaving I used shaving cream but I really didnt like it so I thought I would try with just water...and ever since then I haven't used shaving cream in two years...I can rn over my legs or armpits real fast with a razor and water and nothing at all happens to me but as soon as I use shaving cream and take my time my body is covered in Knicks and blood

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12y ago

Then your legs will begin to burn badly but if you add lotion it should take the burn away(:

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Q: Can you shave your legs with just water?
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Is it gay for guys to shave their legs?

Not necessary. Some swimmers shave their legs and entire body for less resistance in the water.

Do men shave their legs?

Most men do not shave their legs, there are exceptions though, those who compete in cycle races are just one example. Generally we only shave our facial whisker's.

Is it bad to shave with soap?

No. Its not. I mean i shave with it and nothing bad has happened to me. Just make sure when you do it you use water or else u will get like these red burns on your legs and they hurt bad!

Can girls shave above the knee?

No. It will wreck you legs. Just shave to you knees and know one will notice

Is it gay to shave your legs if you are not a swimmer?

No it isn't .. B/c most people shave there legs to run faster or swim faster.. Other just trim there legs so they can have warmth

How do you stopin itchin when i shave my legs?

Don't shave your legs!

Do women in Europe shave their legs?

Not all women in Europe shave their legs. It is a myth that European women do not shave their legs.

Do you have to shave your legs to wear hose?

no, you do not have to shave your legs to wear hose.

When you shave your legs to you shave up or down?

you shave up, but if you would want to trim your hair on the legs then shave down wards.

How do Cleo Emma and Rikki shave their legs in H2O just add water?

They would probably get them waxed because with a razor it needs to be wet.

How do you talk to your mom about shaving?

it just depends on what you want to shave. you really aren't supposed to shave your pubic area. but legs are a different story. if you really want to shave your legs, just ask your mom flat out if you can. never go behind your moms back and do something that she wouldn't approve of.

Why do athletes shave their legs?

Athletes shave their legs to eliminate as much wind or water resistance as possible. Swimmers actually see pretty significant decreases in their time when they shave their bodies.