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A person will not get gonorrhea by bathing in a swimming pool or sea that an infected person has urinated in.

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11y ago

You won't get gonorrhea through contaminated waters in another country.

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Q: Can you get gonorrhea from swimming in water where an infected person has urinated?
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Gonorrhea is transmmited by sexual contact with another person already infected with the STD.

How people get gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is caused by a bacteria spread through sexual contact, typically intercourse. It is an STD. Some form of sexual contact, skin to skin, is required to spread the infection. It is not spread by air/respiratory, touching an object, etc. One person has to be infected, even if they do not yet know they are infected. However, gonorrhea creates a very specific discharge. If you have a discharge, you should NOT have sex until you are tested AND treated for any STD.

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One doesn't know whether the alien person is infected or not. Therefore the person going for sexual activity outside committed partner is at risk of receiving STD s like syphilis, Gonorrhea, and even AIDS.

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Blood poisoning can occur if an infected substance enters your blood stream through an open wound. Not quite certain of the question: Is the 'someone else in the water' just a person simply swimming in the same water as you? In that case it is very unlikely to cause any harm to you. Or is the person bleeding into the same water that you are swimming in? Even then, you will be all right if you don't have an open wound, and the blood leaking into the water is not infected.

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A person who likes their pancakes wet and soggy and urinated on :) Enjoy! -HotSushi

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Gunnera is a family of herbaceous flowering plants ( I will assume what you are referring to is Gonorrhea, a rather nasty Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI). It is 'caught' by having unprotected sex with an infected person. However, some people don't know that they have it until later - symptoms can take between two and thirty days to appear. Check out Wikipedia for more information.