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Q: Can you clean or reuse Summer Escapes pool filters?
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Can I wash and reuse the filters?

Yes, these filters are designed to provide a 1 year supply.

Is it a good practice to clean and reuse an O2 sensor?

No, replace if malfunctioning.

How do you keep our planet clean?

use the 3 Rs. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

Why is it difficult to reuse plastic bottles?

its difficult because itys hard to clean

Can you wash and reuse an air filter on a 1996 VW Passat GLX?

Washing and reusing stock air filters is never a really good idea. You can only wash paper filters that specify such use. Best to get a new one.

What is the process of filtration?

The process of coolant filtration is actually a somewhat complicated process. Basically though the coolant filters allow recirculation and reuse of liquid coolant.

Can you reuse a fish tank if a fish died?

Yes but you would have to clean/scrub the tank out properly first.

What is the process of coolant filtration?

The process of coolant filtration is actually a somewhat complicated process. Basically though the coolant filters allow recirculation and reuse of liquid coolant.

How can you reuse the water that you use to clean the floor?

Why would you want to? You used that water to clean something that was dirty and that dirt gets trapped in the water, and thus making the water dirty. Well I guess if you have plants or something you could use that water on the plants, but other than that there is no reason to reuse it.

Can you reuse salon express plates?

Yes, all you need to do i clean off the plate using nail polish remover.

How do you clean old used bottles for reuse?

soak in hot soapy water for at least 5 min. rinse thoroughly..

Can you reuse a piercing needle?

sure! if you want to get aids...<-- idiot. you can reuses it on the same person or use an autoclave to clean and sterilize it.