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I've never heard of that. Most tanks are built to withstand at least 150 psi and most domestic pumps will not reach that limit.

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3y ago

Yes they can, mine just exploded because the pressure relief valve failed.

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Q: Can water tanks explode from well water?
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Yes,Airplanes can explode because their Fuel Tanks. The Fuel Tanks contain Fuel.

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Sodium and potassium are two metals that can explode in water because they react violently with water to produce hydrogen gas. This reaction is highly exothermic, causing the hydrogen gas to ignite and explode.

Can oxygen tanks explode and blow up?

Yes, oxygen tanks can explode if exposed to high heat or if the pressure inside the tank becomes too high. This can happen if the tank is damaged, improperly filled, or stored incorrectly. It is important to handle oxygen tanks with care and follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents.

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Which water tank, well water, cold storage or hot water heater tank.

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Chlorine can react with water to produce a mixture of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid. If the reaction is not controlled, the buildup of these acidic compounds can create a rapid release of gas, causing an explosive reaction. This is why chlorine should always be handled and mixed with water carefully in controlled environments.

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well the alkali metals catch fire or explode whenever in the presence of water so they burn fairly well oil will also burn on water.

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No, your kidneys can't explode if you drink nothing but water.

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its all about the electricity inside it. when the water gets into the light bulbs electricity gets irritated, that makes it explode. well, its either that or the light bulb just gets really angry at water that it explodes.

What happens if cement is mixed with sand and water?

Well I'm just guessing so yeah i think that explode