

Can piranhas bite through kevlar body armor?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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no piranhas can not bite through kevlar body armor at all do not try it

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Q: Can piranhas bite through kevlar body armor?
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What causes a piranhas to bite?

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How do humans view piranhas?

We humans think of piranhas as vicious fish. We think of them as little snappy creatures and will bite your toes.

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NO because no one in history has ever been eaten by a school of piranhas or even died after a bite you could swim with them tbh

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Do piranhas jump out the water at people?

they can definitely jump I own one at my home and it tried to bite my finger but it faild because I removed my finger faster than the piranha and then guess what it jumped for it so if a piranha was hungry yes it could jump out of the water and bite you and return to the water again so the answer is yes and remember that piranhas hunt in packs

Where can you buy a Under Armor Bite Tech Mouthguard?

At model's or any sporting good store.