look at the great ammout of olympic swimmers who are ginger. some of the best are ginger.
Black people can be born with "ginger" hair.
Because people with ginger hair get picked on for bring ginger.. This is mainly because it's a rare hair colour and it's unique and different but lots of people (not all) with ginger hair are quite ugly.
Everyone gets puberty at different stages and ginger people are no different. im ginger and i started puberty at about 9
No - only a small percentage are ginger.
because not many people have it and i know a ginger who i cant trust any more!
harry sykes is one of the many ginger people and he is very butterx so its cas
Do you mean 'ginger' as in the human category? If so; Most people believe that a ginger is a person who has 'ginger' hair,When in actual fact it is to do with the genetics of their parents.
people swim because its fun and keeps you fit !!
Most people (that can swim) can swim 400 yards. The speed of how they do that although varies.
Actually, most Asian people prefer ginger in the fresh form. and then In actual fact, dried ground ginger will completely alter the taste of any dish..
No that's just a stereotype. Lots of people are good at making shortbread who aren't ginger.