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Technically, there is no such thing as an underwater tornado. By definition a tornado is a violently rotating column of air. A vortex underwater is called a whirlpool. Whirlpools are not like tornadoes, however. They are not nearly as violent and are usually harmless, though some stronger whirlpools can pose a threat to swimmers and small boats. Natural whirlpools can be observed in streams and at some tidal inlets.

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Q: Are underwater tornadoes a regular ocurrance?
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What are underwater tornadoes?

Underwater tornadoes, also known as whirlpools or maelstroms, are large rotating bodies of water that can be caused by strong currents or the interaction of different water temperatures and densities. They can be dangerous to ships and small boats by pulling them in and causing navigation problems. Unlike tornadoes in the air, underwater tornadoes do not extend all the way up to the surface.

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You can take pictures underwater, as to regular cameras you cannot take picture underwater

What are are tornadoes?

There is no such thing as an actual tornado underwater, as a tornado is, by definition, a vortex of air. However, a vortex underwater is called a whirlpool.

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What causes underwater tornadoes?

Underwater tornadoes, also known as whirlpools, are typically caused by strong underwater currents or the collision of opposing currents. These swirling masses of water are influenced by factors such as the shape of the seabed, tides, and wind patterns. Underwater tornadoes can also form in areas with abrupt changes in water temperature or salinity.

Does the spotted frog in Webkinz have an underwater room?

no, i have a spotted frog webkinz and it has a regular room.( his name is Hip Hop)

Is underwater gas to be blamed for the Bermuda triangle?

It is not officially the reason behind it, it is one of the natural (not supernatural) options. It is commonly used with other natural processes like tornadoes and storms.

Can tornadoes occur in the water?

No. A tornado that moves onto water will keep going without being significantly affected. In such a case it is called a waterspout. Waterspouts can also develop on water and then move onto land as tornadoes. There are numerous examples of tornadoes crossing water. Most notably, the three deadliest tornadoes in U.S. history all crossed the Mississippi River. See the links below for tornadoes moving across water.