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It could be sucking in air because the water level is too low and air is getting in the skimmer. Add water, unless you are draining the pool, in which case, turn off the skimmer if possible.

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Q: 1 12 hp pump runs fine but sputters every few seconds why?
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I found out the answer. When my husband replaced the fuel pump in the gas tank he cracked the plastic casing that the fuel pump goes into, we sent it to the shop and it work's fine now! Saturn fuel pump's are expensive it was like $250 just for the part. Thanks, MEL

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could be a lot of things but sounds like the fuel pump

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It Could Be A Bad Cataylic Converter. This sounds like a weak fuel pump which is the #1 problem with these cars. Have yours checked.

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The pressure tank is full of water and has no air charge.

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Sounds like yourcarburetor needs work. The accelerator pump may be NG and the choke may need repair and/or adjustments.

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There are a few ways you can tell if you have a bad fuel pump. These are is the engine sputters at high speeds, vehicle loses power while accelerating, or the engine will not start.

Chevy 350 sputters and dies after driving a while 20 minutes?

sounds like you have a fuel pump issue. You forgot to mention the year of your car. it will depend if you have a mecanical or electric fuel pump.

How do you test a 1994 ford escort fuel pump?

start the car, rev to 5500, if it sputters going up, not enough fuel pressure