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Q: When you see something that exists in real life there are many different ways to display imagery and importance using art What the artist depends on what he she wants to communicate?
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That depends on the country. Different countries have different amounts of senators. Some countries don't even have senators, or they call them something else.That depends on the country. Different countries have different amounts of senators. Some countries don't even have senators, or they call them something else.That depends on the country. Different countries have different amounts of senators. Some countries don't even have senators, or they call them something else.That depends on the country. Different countries have different amounts of senators. Some countries don't even have senators, or they call them something else.

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With all due respect, it depends on how old you are. You may have been watching to many movies or you many have read a book in the recent past which is somehow related to this topic. Then again, they just may be trying to tell you something. Why not try a little harder to communicate with them. See the attached link for different viewpoints and suggestions.

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That depends on its application in science or geometry which has not been given. In science it can turn light into different colours and in geometry it can be in the form of a triangular prism.

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Yes, I can communicate with you in Spanish. ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?

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It depends where you are. "Single" means something slightly different in different countries. See the related links for details on what the sizes mean in different locations.

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