The Hannya mask is one of the many different masks used in traditional Noh theater. In particular, the hannya mask represented jealousy, usually jealous women.
So far no one but himself seen his face, but in Naruto episode 101 Naruto,Sakura, and Sasuke ask at the end what is under Kakashi's mask it was actually another mask. x)
The story is that she was once a beautiful woman who fell in love with a priest. Her unrequited love causes her to turn into a monster who expresses the fury of a woman overwhelmed by jealousy and anger. jelious women, who grows horns the hanya is a face of a woman who has grown so jelous that she has become disfigured and has grown horns the mask is normally used to ward off evil and has become popular in recent tattooing culture a hanya mask symbolizes a woman who has grown horns and a misfigured face from the jealousy that she possesses. Typically a hanya mask as used in kabuki theater represent a women who has been consumed by jealousy and transformed into a demon/oni, however as with any tattoo the meaning you place on it can be entirely personal, whether you choose to interpret this as your inner demons or anything else is down to you. ANSWER some says that it symbolizes a woman who have been cursed. however, hanya mask was used by the samurai as a helm, by that of their believes, that hanya mask symbolizes that fallen angels are protecting them. Answer hanya does no mean them!!!!!!!! this is so annoying if your name is hanya
The material comes first because it is not a person who made it. The artist is only a person that uses the material for art.
All masks have different names, backstories, and represent different things. You'd have to be more specific for a more specific answer.
in mali
We do not know and can not tell you because the African mask was made by people thousands of years ago and we do not know who invented/made or owned them from this far in the past.
It was carved out of wood and it is an african mask
Depends on which country the mask is made, they would normally use a locally avaialble wood
the first baluba mask was made in 1920
=the first mask was made 10000BC=
Sometimes for tribal celebrations and sometimes the have a mask that they put behind their head to make a "face" on the back of their head for safety reasons in the jungle because of Big cats usually only pounce on their prey from behind and doing so with the maks it confuses them.
dont really know
its an African mask
African masks are used in rituals, when they are worn by a dancer who dances around a fire with him and other people behind him chanting different prayers in Swahili (African language) Im not an expert but this is what i got from using faithful old google.
African Goli mask belongs to Baule tribe.
it can be worn on the face. you can make it by weaving it out of straws, or by wood and painting on it.