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Q: What type of image can handle a transparency in GIMP?
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Which image type can preserve layers examples such as JPEG and PNG?

Unfortunately, the only formats that preserve layers in GIMP is .xcf (the default format.) If you're looking to upload an image online, or use the image for anything outside of GIMP, you have to export the file by clicking File>>>Save As>>>(specify format in drop box)

What type of printmaking is woodcut?

What type? A woodcut is when an image is carved out of a thin sheet of wood, then a roller with, usually, black ink is run over the top of the carved image, and a sheet of paper is pressed against the wet ink, marking the paper with the impression of the carved image. I don't know what 'type' you would call that.

Do you have a piture and definition?

Some people don't some people do but you can just go on image on google and different type of picture such as: cute puppy's

What does siendo la pintura que una imagen perfecta de la que mean?

This is a sentence fragment with very flowery, complementary, loving wording that will not translate at all well: Being the paint/ink that an image/picture/painting perfects of the type... Post the complete statement for a more accurate translation.

What is extension name of paint file?

Well, it depends on the file extension you will use. The default type is JPEG. But you could also use this format: filename.(extension) .jpeg â–º Good Quality and default .png â–º Best Quality .bmp â–º Bit-map image .gif â–º For animated images

Related questions

What files can open in gimp?

Image files of all sorts can open in GIMP. A quick way to see a full list is by opening a new image in GIMP, then selecting "Save As". There will be a + next to the text "Select File Type (By Extension)" Clicking this plus will drop down a long list of files executable by GIMP.I hope this has helped you! =]

Which image type can preserve layers examples such as JPEG and PNG?

Unfortunately, the only formats that preserve layers in GIMP is .xcf (the default format.) If you're looking to upload an image online, or use the image for anything outside of GIMP, you have to export the file by clicking File>>>Save As>>>(specify format in drop box)

What can you do on GIMP?

you can do a lot of things in gimp including the fact that gimp is free just type in gimp and download it from the website then look up tutorials on youtube.

How close is GIMP to Photoshop?

Gimp is nothing like Photoshop. It works with images in a way that is completely foreign to those familiar with Adobe-type products. It was as if it the program was designed by someone who had never had to actually manipulate an image professionally. If you're stuck on the Linux OS, but you need to work with images I would suggest looking at an app called "Pixel Image Editor". Also, there is a Gimp/Photoshop hack called "Gimpshop".

How do you save an image as an icon?

Open your image with an image editor (photoshop, gimp, ...) that supports saving as an icon.First you have to resize the image to a size that is compatible with an icon. For example 32x32 or 16x16 pixels are typical icon sizes. Then you have to reduce the number of colors to 256. Now your image has the properties of an icon and can be saved to an icon by File/Save As/ and select the icon type.

What type of photos do photo programs work with?

Most of the photo software programs like Photoshop or GIMP work with a large number of image formats. These image formats include GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, PICT, IFF and many others. Most of the software products also have an own proprietary format like Photoshop's PSD/PSB or GIMP's XCF.

How do you upload GIMP pictures to photobucket?

Photobucket currently does not support xcf (GIMP) Extensions. To upload a picture that was edited in GIMP you will have to change it's file type. To do this click "File" and then "Save as..." Then click "Select File Type". Once you have selected an Extension from the list of options, click "Save"

How do you make a howrse layout using GIMP?

First you go to Gimp. You go to file and you press New. Yout make the size how ever you like. Then, you can put a picture on Gimp and use the text bow to type.

Does gimp have any viruses?

YES, if you downloaded it from a site called "Trusted Software"! This installer does actually install the gimp, but also 5 other things, 2 of which are malware! the " " thing especially!

Is transparency chemical or physical?

Transparency is a type of physical property. Something transparent can only be seen as physically transparent instead of chemically transparent.

Is transparency chemical or physical property?

Transparency is a type of physical property. Something transparent can only be seen as physically transparent instead of chemically transparent.

What is the cheat gimp suit on GTA San Andreas?

you can find a gimp suit in a mission in the main storyline or type the cheat BEKKNQV