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Isadore Bauch

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Q: What style of art emphasized emotion feeling and imagination?
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What style of art emphasizes emotion feeling imagination?


What is the title of a movie in which the son rats out his dad and sister for feeling emotion. Kind of a 1984 Orwell style story?

Equilibrium (2002)

What is the style of art that emphasized grace charm and elegance?

Rococo style

Who of these is true of books written in romantic style?

Books written in the Romantic style often emphasize emotion, nature, and individualism. They frequently explore themes of love, passion, and longing, set against a backdrop of the natural world. Romantic literature often celebrates the imagination and the beauty of the world, while also delving into the complexities of human emotion and experience.

What is the root of Romantic style?

emotion .

What style of art emphasized reality?

Realism Hope this helped :)

What is the atmosphere of a book called?

The atmosphere of a book is generally known as the mood or tone. It refers to the overall feeling or emotion evoked in the reader by the author's writing style, setting, and characters.

What is expressive style?

Expressive style is a style that clearly shows the author's emotion and intention. Writers who are expressive are able to create mood and emotion within their stories. The reader can clearly see what's going on in their minds, and can feel what the characters are experiencing.

This art style featured everyday subjects and emphasized the effects of light on colors?


How did Gauguin post impressionist style differ from the impressionist style?

Gauguin used bold colors to convey emotion.

How did Gauguin's Post-Impressionist style differ from the Impressionist style?

Gauguin used bold colors to convey emotion.

What is applied if you design a new style of clothing or costume?

Active imagination