1)Given that you haven't specified what you're experiencing with deviantART we are unable to answer your question. 2) LOL. REALLY DUDE? :L
people who viewed your deviantArt page.
Yes, in recent times (2010) a new feature was added known as deviantART muro. To access it, highlight the "Submit" option at the top of the page and select "Draw with dA muro."
There's a button on your home page titled "Submit Deviatations". Click on it, and fill out the submit form.
1)Given that you haven't specified what you're experiencing with deviantART we are unable to answer your question. 2) LOL. REALLY DUDE? :L
You can't delete your deviantART page.
The DeviantArt Mascot Contest was in 2001
people who viewed your deviantArt page.
You can't use badges on DeviantART.
No, you do not. It is not required to post artwork to have a deviantart account.
DeviantART was founded August 7th, 2000 by three people; Angelo Sotira, Scott Jarkoff, and Matthew Stephens. Angelo Sotira can be found on deviantart by the username of $spyed. Scott Jarkoff can be found on deviantart by the username of °jark. Matthew Stephens can be found on deviantart by the username of °matteo.
Coppa compliance for websites means you must be 13 or older. So yes, you can be 13 and a deviantART member as deviantART is coppa compliant. You cannot be 12. :)
Assuming one is looking for information about cartoons on deviantArt, the best place to look is deviantArt itself. Wikipedia also has an article about deviantArt.
I think Ninfu is a very cute name to use for a deviantART name.
a commission is where you give someone deviantart points or money to draw/paint etc. a picture for you
From your deviantART page:- 'Gallery' (near the top of the page)- 'Edit'- 'New Folder'