I believe you're looking for Magenta or Fuchsia.
Pink is the color red and the color white mixed together. Pink is the color of bubble gum. It is the color of your intestines and the color of the rainbow mixed together. Ex: the color of your tongue and the color of the shirt i am wearing right now!
white and pink make pink
Pink is a tint of the primary color red. By mixing red with white you end up with various shades of pink.
a disgusting color
No, "fusia" is not a recognized color. It may have been a typographical error or a variation of the color "fuchsia," which is a bright purplish-red color.
I believe you're looking for Magenta or Fuchsia.
i like both but i think purplish pink is cooler
Magenta is a bright, purplish-red color that is often described as a mix of pink and purple. It is a bold and vivid color that stands out in both artistic and design applications.
Fuchsia pink is a bright, vivid color that is created by mixing blue and red in equal parts. This combination produces a vibrant pink hue with a slight purplish undertone.
I need to be more clear. My vagina turned from a pink color to a purplish blue color. Why does this happen?
Cerise is a deep to vivid pink or pink-red color. It is a shade that is often described as similar to the color of a cherry.
cyan(shade of blue) magenta(shade of pink/purplish) yellow and black
A strong, vivid purplish red flour
Hot pink and fuchsia are similar shades of pink, but they are not exactly the same. Hot pink is a bright, neon pink color, while fuchsia is a deeper, more purplish-pink hue.
No. it is grayish, and a dull pink.
pink, i guess... maybe sometimes a darker shade but mostly a pinkish, purplish color of some sort