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Q: What has hands but cannot feel it may have eyes but cannot see has a mouth but does not talk?
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What has a face that cannot see and hands it cannot feel?

A clock.

How do you feel if you can't do something?

There is nothing you cannot help doing when you yawn. You do not even need to open your mouth - it is certainly possible to yawn with a closed mouth.

Can cats get hypnotized with the human eye?

No, cats cannot be hypnotized by the human eye, but some people feel they cannot take their eyes off a cat's eyes because it can be mezmorizing although not hypnotizing.

Does any animal see with their hands?

No, seeing requires eyes. However there are plenty of animals that sense their environment by feel. (usually using hairs, feelers or or whiskers to do this rather than hands).

Can you see heat?

No, humans cannot see heat. Heat is a form of energy that our eyes cannot detect visually. We can feel heat as a sensation of warmth or hotness, but we cannot see it.

What are some charaterstics?

eyes nose ears mouth personality.... ps. i feel like im doin someones homework right now

What does it mean when a boy puts his hands on your waist and he stares into your eyes and you feel weird?

It means you dont like him enough for him to be moving so fast.

How do you make a deadmau5 head?

you get a beach ball then you put paper mache all over it until you feel comftorable that it will stay then you pop the ball and cut in the eyes and the mouth and to make the eyes light up you put push lights and for the mouth....well its easy you put a white bag (that you can see out of) put it in the mouth (glue or tape) and then you have a deadmau5 head.

What body language do you use to get someone to kiss you?

For Her: Face him and look into his eyes. You could hold his hands... play with his fingers. Play with his hair, until he is completely focused on you. When you both lock eyes, lean forward and just smile... and it'll happen.For Him: Face her and look into her eyes. Hold her hands and let her tease you. When you feel the moment is right, grab her waist, slowly pull her in, and then kiss her.

Do you have feeling in your eye?

Yes, you have feeling in your eyes. Even when you blink your eyes you feel it! Ever get a headache in your eyes? If you touch your eyeball you instantly feel pain and may get teary-eyed. There are optic nerves in your eyes that allow you to feel things, so yes, you CAN feel things with your eyes!

How many sense organs do living organisms have?

Most living organisms have multiple sense organs, such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. These sense organs help organisms gather information about their environment and respond appropriately to stimuli.

What is the meaning of this quotes -what i really feel my eyes won't let me hide- please help thank you so much in advance?

I'm just guessing here, that if you are really sad, you'll cry but you cannot stop yourself??? so your eyes cannot hide you sadness as you are crying???