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Q: What does the literal description of a painting mean?
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What does mon portrait mean in french?

"mon portrait" means 'my portrait' in French. It can be a real painting or a written or spoken description.

What is licking out someone mean?

Licking, or "giving a licking" means whipping, beating, or spanking. It's a slang term, not a literal description of licking with your tongue.

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a brief description of old stone age rock painting?

What is the name of the painting that depicts idioms in literal terms?

Pieter Bruegel's 'Dutch Proverbs'.

What do you mean by literal?

Literal is word for word; verbatim

What part of speech is paint?

It depends... If you mean to paint as in "Paint a picture", paint is a verb because it shows action. But if you mean paint as in the literal painting material, then paint is used as a noun because it's a "thing".

A word's denotation is its?

A dictionary provides a list of literal definitions or denotative meanings of a word

What is the literal meaning of the term geography and why do geographers think this is a good description of the word?

The literal meaning of geography is "earth description," derived from the Greek words "geo" (earth) and "graphia" (description). Geographers believe this term is a good description because it encompasses the study and analysis of the Earth's physical features, climate, vegetation, human populations, and cultures. Geographers focus on understanding spatial patterns and relationships on Earth's surface, making "earth description" an apt description of their field of study.

What does the word portrayed mean?

Depicted. A portrait of a person has been made using drawing, painting, sculpting, acting or verbal description. Portray=portrait

What did fundamentalists believe about the biblical account of creation?

They believe the story is a literal description of what happened.