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Light blue, light pink, brown.

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Q: What color should you use to decorate your bedroom with lavender colored walls?
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What color should i paint one white wall in my bedroom my bedroom is purple and has butterflies all over it?

An accent wall in a celery green would like great in your room, as long as you like green. You could use a soft lavender or pink to enhance the purple and make the room very feminine. A butter yellow will make the room feel sunny, eve if you do not have a lot of windows. And a soft to medium blue will open the room up, as if the sky were visible trough the wall. Let you personal taste guide you in your choice.

According to vastu what kind of painting should be placed in bedroom?

Art in the Vastu bedroom should be uplifting. Do not place family pictures in the bedroom. Pictures of you and your partner and pictures of divine couples who are good examples are fine. Adding images of your parents, children, and other relatives brings an energy into the bedroom that should be only in the other parts of your home; they do not promote restfulness or romance. Avoid depressing, lonely, and upsetting art in any Vastu building. Beauty is always required by Vastu. An illustrated article on Vastu art, healing art for sacred space, can be downloaded from the link below.

What color should a gay male teen paint his bedroom?

Any color he wants. Color choice has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

Which wall should be painted the accent color in a rectangular room with a closet at one short end the long walls have two windows one side and the doorway on the other is opposite of the closet?

Well it depends, do u have a rocking chair in the corner by the winkdow or a ceiling fan? If so the accent colored wall should be the empty one. But if u have a vase of flowers on ur coffee table by the closet,it depends on what color the flowers are. If they're red blue or green it should be the wall with the closet. If they're any other color and its summer time it should be the wall with the windows. And lets see if u add another window it could also change the effect of the rooms atmosphere, so u wouldn't want an accent colored wall.AnswerChoosing the wall the accent is a matter of guesswork, unless you are using some other ideas to set up the room, such as Feng Shui, or trying to make the room appear wider than it is. I painted the long wall that did not have a wall unit on it a periwinkle blue and it warms up the room--better than all beige or making the entire room the same color. A friend of mine used a dark brown on one end wall to make the room look wider. Of course, windows and doors will entail carefully painting the edges. A bare wall may require two coats to evenly cover the area without streaking.

How many layers of skin should a tattoo go?

It should go all the way to the dermis! Which is the second layer of skin.

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Should I wear the Rust colored suit or lavender colored suit?

Lavender. It matches your eyes.

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either decorate it or if you dont want it that color paint over it. ok?????

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get a disco ball, get one of those dance mats u get with the dance games and use it as a carpet, or instead of a disco ball, use different colored lights u get at home depot. ect. u know what i mean. make it fun! and creative!

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It totally depends on the child, but you have to make sure that however you decorate they will like when they get older too. Therefore, simple wall color and carpet are best, and then removable accessories that make the room fun can relate to your nine year-old.

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your bedroom temperature should be 18 19 degrees

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The site limits how many characters (words) you can submit. You should form your question carefully so it contains just the information you need. Limit the amount of details you include; details are often not necessary to answer general questions.Example of a good question: How can you decorate shelves in your bedroom?Example of unnecessary details: How can you decorate shelves in your bedroom Your mom won't buy you new shelves but you hate the way they look Your friend has nice shelves

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I think anyone under 13 should NOT be having a tv in their bedroom.

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Does lavender grow in israel?

Lavender will probably grow well where vine grows. The soil should be neutral to alcaline.

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I wouldn't decorate it with anything. It tastes bad with icing, but that's my opinion. You can still try it out.