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Q: What are the drawbacks of a pictorial view?
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There are many different types of Pictorial Views. A Pictorial View is a view of an object or building. Some names of Pictorial Views are Oblique , Persepective Etc... But I Dont Know Any More. Any Ideas ?

Why would building professionals such as machinists and contractors prefer multi-view drawings over pictorial drawings?

Professionals prefer multi-view drawings over pictorial drawings so that it'll be easier for them to make the object. Since multi-view shows how the object looks like on all the sides and pictorial drawing only shows it from one angle. you right in the

What are the advantages and disadvantages to using an isometric pictorial compared to using and oblique pictorial in technical drawings?

The advantage is that they can give an overall view of a given design The disadvantages are that it can get more cluttered

What are the disadvantages of orthographic?

1) Some training is necessary before you can draw or read a drawing. 2) Sometimes it's easier to draw the object in perspective view (pictorial view), especially for clients who have difficulties interpreting orthographic drawings.

What are the different types of view?

full, half, rotated, aligned offset, broken out, partial, assembly and pictorial

Why would building professionals prefer multiview drawings over pictorial drawings?

A pictorial drawing presents the figure or object as a 3D image (the view of height,width, and depth). A multiview drawing presents each section or a certain view of the figure (for example : the top view, the front view, and the side view).

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Wayne T. McCabe has written: 'A penny a view-- an album of postcard views-- Lafayette, N.J' -- subject(s): Postcards, Pictorial works, History 'A penny a view-- an album of postcard views-- Sparta, N.J' -- subject(s): Postcards, Pictorial works, History

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-noun 1. an unobstructed and wide view of an extensive area in all directions. 2. an extended pictorial representation or a cyclorama of a landscape or other scene, often exhibited a part at a time and made to pass continuously before the spectators. 3. a building for exhibiting such a pictorial representation. 4. a continuously passing or changing scene or an unfolding of events: the panorama of Chinese history. 5. a comprehensive survey, as of a subject.----

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