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about $31,000

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How much does an artist earn?

about 14,000to25,000 hey

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How much does a storyboard artist earn in the UK?

How much a storyboard artist can earn in the UK is dependent upon the company, location and how much of a demand there is for such work. The starting salary is between 15,000 and 20,000 GBP which can double with experience.

How much does a artist earn in a year?

depending on his paintings if there good or bad

How much does a fine art artist earn?

2.7 million if you use paint :)

How much money does an artist earn per year?

$49377.50 Average as of Salary.Com

How much money does Alan Sugar earn a year?

a lot

How do You earn Artist XP in smallworlds?

You earn artist xp by drawing on a graffiti bored and doing artist missions

How much junoir make up artist earn a month in South Africa?

10 000

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How much does a make up artist earn?

Salaries may range from around $15,000 to $45,000 a year.

How much do make up artist earn a year in the state of Arizona?

A make up artist makes about 26,000 dollars a year in Arizona. Being a private make up artist or a celebrity artist may bring in higher pay.