Face Painting is in french language : Maquillage sur visage.
But we use "face painting" too !
Face It, Put It On
Peignant des soeurs is a literal French equivalent of the English phrase "painting sisters." The pronunciation of the present participle and plural partitive and noun -- which translate literally as "to paint some sisters" -- will be "peh-nyaw dey suhr" in French.
The son of Man was the one with the apple covering his face.
It is called The Son Of Man, painted in 1964. Now in a private collection.
The dead man in the painting, Jean-Paul Marat, was a comrade of the artist, Jacques-Louis David, during the French Revolution. Marat was a journalist and a radical who was known for rallying people for the revolt, and was ultimately murdered by Charlotte Corday, (mentioned in the note Marat is holding in the painting). Corday felt that by killing Marat, thousands of deaths in the name of the revolution could be avoided. The purpose could be interpreted as a memorial to the artist's friend as well as a political statement for the horrendous occurrences brought about from the French Revolution.
Il a le visage balafré.
David Wakefield has written: 'Fragonard' 'French eighteenth-century painting' -- subject(s): French Painting, Modern Painting, Painting, French, Painting, Modern
W. P. Gibson has written: 'Three lectures upon French painting' -- subject(s): French Painting, Modern Painting, Painting, French, Painting, Modern
The Face on the Barroom Floor - painting - was created in 1936.
In terms of art, "the painting" in French is "le tableau". Hope that helps! :)
Visage is the French word for "face".
Milton Wolf Brown has written: 'The painting of the French revolution' -- subject(s): Art and the revolution, French Painting, History, Painting, French 'American painting, 1913-1929' -- subject(s): Painting, American 'American painting' -- subject(s): American Painting, Painting, American 'Jewelry by Ed Wiener'
I am painting is 'je peins' or 'je fais de la peinture' in French.
I would look at Walmart or Target, but I also found a place called Face-Painting-Fun. Face-Painting-Fun looks like a very good source for make-up for more detailed face painting projects.
Action painting.
Face It, Put It On