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ether you havn't taught them any tricks or they wont Listn to you

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Q: Your nintendog will not do tricks when in obedience trial?
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How do you get your dog to listen to you in Nintendogs obedience trial?

Well first you have to teach your dog some tricks. I think the first ones you have to teach are sit, lay down, and shake. When you're ready to do an obedience trial, go to the go out page, then choose contests, choose obedience, choose which dog you'll enter, then it will start. When it starts, they tell you what moves the dog has to do in order or for how long. Just do what they say. When it says free performance, then just do whatever tricks you want that it knows. And that's it. Good luck!

How do you make your nintendog do a headstand?

First your Nintendog needs to be trained beg and lie down for at least 10 seconds.Then you tell your Nintendog to lie down. after 5 seconds you tell your Nintendog to beg. Then he/she will do handstand. Also like the tricks below.needs to know the trick for at least 10 seconds. sit+jump=Backflip roll over+turn=Breakdance Beg+pull your dogs paw up=Dance Dance+jump=Bunny hop beg+turn=spin rollover+jump=front flip.

What is a perfect score in a dog obedience trial?

200 points.

What is an obedience dog show?

An obedience show is when owners who have well trained dogs compete to win. The dogs are not judged on looks, but on their skills at tricks and agility. The commands that dogs must learn to be entered in most obedience rings are ''sit'', ''lie down'', ''shake'' and ''heel''. More advanced classes will ask for harder tricks.

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How do you get a light bulb over your nintendog's head?

When you are teaching your nintendog a trick, the light bulb will appear a few times.Hint: If you touch the light bulb with your stylus, you can move it around and even feed it to your nintendog as a treat!

How do you know if a nintendog is pregnant?

if its small, then it will be more slow and will have a jiggly tummy!

How do you get your dog to memorize tricks in Nintendogs?

The doggies don't just learn the tricks automatically. You have to get them to perform the trick, and then you will say it. After repeating that multiple times, the dog will hopefully learn the trick.

What Nintendog tricks can be learned by items?

Sing/speak/reply can be learned by using the piano. Turn/backflip/sit and some more I can't remember, can be learned via playing 'Flower Petal dance' 'Grab' can be taught using the pullrope

How do nintendog puppies look?

Nintendog puppies look like zombies stuffed in a blender.

Do dogs go to school?

There are many special pups out there who do have the opportunity to go to school ^^ This is for training the dog, so he/she can do tricks, learn obedience and have fun during it all.