it is most likely because you internet is losing connection for a short amount of time thus signing you out. Some times it can be caused by something turning on that takes a lot of power and it will lower you connection down enough to make you sign out
if you cant connect to xbox live check your wires and make sure you have a correct connection to the internet, make sure you subscription has not run out and if that dosent work or you cant sign in at all then you have most likely been banned from xbox live
no but xbox live will work on xbox 360 live you said that rong you mean xbox live works on the x box 360
As long as you have an internet connection, you can get xbox live on a 360 or a slim.
You can not. Live is for the Xbox 360 and only the Xbox 360
you can not because xbox live has stopped supporting the normal xbox not 360
Xbox Live is included with the Xbox 360 Elite package.
Get a PS3
It is still Xbox Live.
it cud be cause ur xbox is flaged if uv played copyed cames
you dont download the game you download updates and you have to do that
I don't think that you can play an original Xbox game on an Xbox 360 live. But some games from the old xbox you can play on Xbox 360.
XBOX Live is not a game console. It's a online game service for the XBOX 360.