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Q: Would you get in trouble if you use someone elses code on pixie hollow FOR MEMBERS?
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Not generally, no.

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you could. it's called aiding and abetting

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When you are in trouble or a sticky situation. (And it's you're by the way)

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I wish someone would answer this question. We are having the trouble with our daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please answer!

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he would over react and try to blame someone else for it

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Are you crazy Celebrities would be tracked down stalked thats why they dont go on if someone says they are taylor swift they do that just for attention btw iam the queens daughter of pixie hollow fyi

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yes you would be found guilty... if the person who slipped you the hallucinogen made you somehow kill someone, then if they were caught and tried, there's a chance they would go to jail too.