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Nope, if they are sat down, they will stay there until you come back for it or someone/something kills it, or if you leave him stood up he'll teleport to you when you land on ground.

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Q: Will trained wolves de spawn if you fly away in minecraft?
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Yes, and wolves try hard to stay away from people, too.

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Where to find wolf in Minecraft pocket edition?

About WolvesWolves will spawn in forest and taiga biomes, or in simpler terms, where there are lots of trees. They will spawn in packs of 1 to 8. They will randomly kill sheep in the wild, so if you see wool just sitting about or hear sheep being killed, you know they're nearby. They will also bark, both before and after taming. What you'll needEach wolf requires a random number of bones, usually between 1 and 4 but some will require 6 or more. You should plan on having 5 or more bones for each wolf you plan to tame, along with meat to heal them in an emergency, especially if the area is very steep and/or you are open to the possibility of them taming at night. You'll also need lots of torches, 20 ladders, a stack of wooden planks/cobblestone, and one or two stacks of glass.How to get them to spawnThe easiest way to get them to spawn is to place torches around the trees and build a tree house in the middle of a large, wooded area. I'm not sure the exacts, but I remember reading that you have to be at least 20ish blocks away from an area for them to spawn there. In this case, build a tree house about 20 blocks off the ground with as much glass as possible as your lookout. Also, don't sleep using a bed, they will spawn at night if there are torches around. In the instance that they do spawn at night, be sure to have monster fighting materials like a sword, bow and arrow, and armor for protection. When they do spawn, first clear all monsters from the area, just to be sure they won't attack. Be careful not to attack the wolves, they will attack you back. Next, walk up to the first wolf and RIGHT CLICK him with a bone in your hand. Repeat until he gets hearts above his head. He should be sitting, if not, right click him once more(don't worry, he won't eat another bone.) Continue this process until (A) All the wolves are tamed, (B) You run out of bones, or (C) You feel you have enough companions. Right click them all once more and they will follow you around. Go up into your tree house (or your real house if it is close by) and wait until sunrise, this will give you the most time possible to travel home.In the case that you accidentally left-click a wolf, prepare for battle. DO NOT attempt to tame the wolves with red eyes with bones, as they will not accept your offering and continue attacking you. Kill all the wolves with red eyes, or, if you would rather, just run.

Why when i played minecraft after using INVedit i died when i logged on and my stuff wasn't there to pick up is it just a random glitch from INVedit or is it something like a hack?

You must died somewhere else away from your spawn point. You just have to go back to find the dropped item.