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Not in Left 4 Dead 1, but in L4D2 they are coming out with 4 new characters. There is also rumors about a possibility that there will be a way to see or play as the L4D1 characters in L4D2? Un-official information yet. Wait till Nov. 17 to find out.

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15y ago
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7y ago

well if the passing was released and they escaped they might put another one more like the sacrifise on left 4 dead 2 so we can ditch Ellis, coach, nick and rochell and bring Louis back :D(kidding) but yes they will probably kill 1 or 2 of them off to start left 4 dead 3 (not kidding) by the way i think Louis died of a pill overdose after he was mualed by witches and punched by francis and got bills cigarett thrown in his eye and zoey blocked him on facebook! :D LOL that's right i know alot about left 4 dead just like heavy weapons guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D!!!!!!
yeP It is currently in development. Be expecting a release date o 2013-2014 Maybe, Maybe 2012 if lucky.

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12y ago

Probably not this year. Valve is known for not liking to make a third sequel to their Video Games. You never know though, maybe they have been working on it since the release of Left 4 Dead 2. On the other end though, Left 4 Dead 2 was released just a year after the first. Honestly, I think no though. Valve will probably add more DLC's (Downloadable Campaigns.)

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14y ago

Yes and No. It is 4 player co-op with an XBOX live account but without one you can only play with one other person.

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12y ago

Left 4 dead 2 is already out. I dont think there will be a 3 or 4

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14y ago

Yes, there is a left 4 dead 3. It comes out June 13th 2011.

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14y ago

Yes they will probably make a Left for Dead 3. This is becoming a very successful franchise. It is not official yet, but I would be surprised if they do not make a number 3.

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15y ago

lets hope so God lets hope so

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Are they going to make a left for dead 3?


Will valve make a left 4 dead 3?

yes they will because left 4 dead is a popular game

Is there such thing as Left 4 Dead 3?

There has been no confirmation if there will be a Left for Dead 3.

Is left 4 dead 3 coming out?

No, Left 4 Dead 3 is not coming out. There is only Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. Both fun games.

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left 4 dead 3 will be released in November of 2011. its true

Will there be a left 4 dead 3 if so will it have the left 4 dead 2 characters?

no, left 4 dead 3 would not have the same characters as in 1 or 2

Will there be a left dead 3?

Maybe, Left 4 Dead 3 has been hinted at by Valve on a few occasions.

Left 4 Dead 3 characters?

Actually there is no left 4 dead 3 valve dosen't know how to count to 3

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The makers of Left 4 Dead are currently not working on a Left 4 Dead 3. But they are making a lot of DLCs for the Xbox 360 and PC.

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Left For Dead is so much better! Left For Dead rocks!

What day does left for dead 3 come out?

There is no release date on left for dead at this moment.

Is there any proof of a Left 4 Dead 3 being made?

No Left 4 dead 3 will be in 2013 i think