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No it was not even a game to begin with just an Add on that was also released as a Playable add on

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most likely not.

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Q: Will they make a red dead redemption undead nightmare 2?
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How do you make undead bite you in red dead redemption undead nightmare?

You have to get in a fight with them.

How do make everything back to normal on red dead redemption undead nightmare?

you have to put the green mask back to the wall but when you do at the end seth steals it and everything is still the same

What can you do with undead animal in red dead redemption undead nightmare?

At a certain point you get a gun called the blunderbuss it has no effect on humans just zombies it is used for large masses of zombies can check animals and corpses for undead parts for ammo... it taked 10 undead parts to make 1 bulletEdit: also you there is other stuff you can make with different parts (ex. animal + zombie + plant = cool crap. or, animal + ammo = cool crap)

Is there a red dead redemption part 2?

Well, Red Dead Redemption just came out recently. I highly doubt there would be news of a sequel already. I haven't played RDR, yet. However; if the story is left "unfinished" at the end; most likely Rockstar would make a sequel. yes there is a game called red dead redemption 2

How do you make undead nightmare 2player for xbox 360?


Why in Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare you die in water?

because the game is so big they are unable to fit everything into a limited amount of space so they don't allow swimming at it uses a lot of memory and so they would have to make the rest of the game smaller and shorter

Where to find undead bait on undead nightmare?

You cant really find undead bait after you first get it in Fort Mercer from West Dickisons. After that you have to make it your self.

How do you get more undead bait in red dead redemption undead nightmare?

on your back button screen, there's a "build your own bait" item you can use. it requires 1 wild feverfew, and 1 prairie poppy

How do you make blunderbuss ammo in red dead redemption undead?

I just got it and yeah like the other guy said you open coffins also you search undead corpses and when you save towns you get some ammo as a reward along with a new weapon and around towns under attack there are boxes marked as green circles you go to them and open it .

Can you make a town go under siege in undead nightmare?

No. You can lead undead to the area and leave, but wander around enough in the game and it will eventually come under seige.

Where do you find the flowers to make undead bait in undead nightmare?

to make undead bait you have to get the flowers desert sage and violet snowdrop . I forgot where the desert sage can be found but it should tell you in the journal. The violet snowdrop can be found northern of Tall Trees

How do you find undead bait in red dead redemption?

You can't find it. You have to make it using 1 Prairie Poppy and 1 Wild Feverfew. Prairie Poppies can be found on the Great Plains. Wild Feverfews can be found basically anywhere.