No. The only way to get the Aether is to download the mod. Rumors say that in creative if you fly high enough, you reach the Aether. This is not true. Hopefully the Aether will be added. The answer before this said it is planned for version 1.8
never has hopefully it will make its way in
Stratus clouds form when air near the ground is cooled to its dew point by either radiational cooling or advection. This cooling causes water vapor in the air to condense into tiny water droplets, creating a low-lying layer of cloud. Stratus clouds typically form in stable atmospheric conditions with light winds.
No-one has ever proved that Yeti exist, so the answer has to be NO.
yess i think that it should be because minecraft is my life and that when i die i will spawn in minecraft. and hopefully live happily ever after :) i love minecrfat
A:No - I know that Satan does not really exist.
No. After all, the devil does not really exist.
'Revenge' by CaptainSparlez is the most viewed Minecraft parody ever.
Well, never really, highly doubtful that zombies will exist, ever then, considering they don't exist right now
Shoot yourself.
Unlikely - nobody has ever been able that fairies exist anywhere.
Yes, 'Utopia' was written by Sir Thomas More.
There is one.