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No. If they die they die.

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Q: Will pet wolves come back to you if you die in minecraft?
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What happens to your wolves if you die in minecraft?

When you die your wolves just walks around on that exact same spot you died you need to get back to that place to see your wolves again and by the way I have some happy news they won't despawn :)

What is the command that you dont die in minecraft?

you go /back to go back to where you died

How do you get into a world on Minecraft filled with wolves?

you go to a grassy area or forest and wait for them to spawn. it takes a while though. (i dont think wolves are worth it though, they usually die after 1-3 nights of fighting)

How come when you die in Minecraft Xbox 360 your game freezes?

the posibility of this might be a common crash or your xbox can't handle minecraft.

A man was found dead in Alaska with a pack apon his back how did he die?

the pack upon his back is a pack of wolves

What to kill a wolf in Minecraft?

In Minecraft, wolves have 3 modes: Neutral: The wolf has not befriended you or decided you are an enemy. If you give it a bone(or sometimes more than 1), a red collar will appear on the front of it. Attack it and it sees you as an enemy. Friendly: You can make it sit or come with you by right-clicking on it. To kill it, click on it many times until it falls over and dies. Enemy: It will come at you. If there are other wolves nearby, they may team up on you. Repeatedly hit it to make it fall over and die.

Why do wolves die?

wolves die of many reasons, they can die because of humans by: being hit by cars, by hunters killing them, and even being shot by someone scared of them. also wolves can kill other wolves if other wolves territory.

Do you get all your stuff back from dying by a skeleton on minecraft?

No, no matter what way you die you will always drop your stuff.

How wolves die?

Wolves can die by being hunt down by other animals or by unusual starvation.

Do wolves actually come out in your backyard at night?

Wolves and humans usually don't mix well, which wolves tend to learn or die. So I can't imagine any place where backyard wolves would be a regular thing. Coyotes possibly, but not wolves. But wolves have been known to travel far in search of a mate and territory, which means that occasionally, wolves have been known to appear just about anywhere.

Can you die an come back to life?


Does it affect you if you die?

no you come back as a cat of a fly