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GameStop is a game and accessory store, and mostly second hand at that. The chances are slim, but try calling one of the ones near you and asking.

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11y ago

They do not fix controllers. It is the manifauturiers job.

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Q: Will Gamestop fix a controller
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Can the game store fix an Xbox controller?

Yes like GameStop and game shops can fix you controller

How much will Gamestop give you for a controller?

It depends on what controller your trading in

Where can you buy an original xbox controller?

gamestop or eBay

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Gamestop sells only refurbished PS2s with a single controller

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go to gamestop and they will fix it

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I'm not sure they can fix our psp

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*Does GameStop fix a scratched disk? No. But if you bought a game from GameStop you can return it and get a replacement for free.

Where do you find ps3 controller skins?

at gamestop in manhattan in the middle of manhattan

Where can they fix video games?

You can send it into gamestop

How do you use your PlayStation 2 without your controller?

You cant! Buy one from GameStop

Can you go to anyone to fix your Nintendo ds top screen?

gamestop and if they cant fix it try amazon,best buy,ect. but i recommend gamestop

How much does a wireless Xbox controller cost?

The standard wireless controller cost $49.99 at Gamestop. There is no reason to get a cheap controller or used controller because they wear out over time. Even if you don't abuse them.