No, they are totally different games. You can't transfer anything between them.
No, characters are bound to the account they were made on, there is no way to transfer them.
You get a password when you make your account.
diablo 1 is about 100mb diablo about 800mb and diablo 2 expansion another about 800mb
Maximum number of characters in Diablo III is ten (10) per account.
The Paladin
On Diablo, it is a single player character that is saved on your computer's hard disk.
The Devil
to add characters in diablo 2 lord of destuction first, sign in to your account then on the bottom of the screen it should say create character click on it then select your character then type your name then start killing noobs
it is how the individual character data is stored and coded
No it does not all you have to do is make a battle net account and start a new character.
Yeah, if I recall, at the character screen, you have the option to create an expansion character or not.