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Q: Why would the building of castles in towns be especially resented?
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Why did Peasants and nobles moved from manors to towns?

Nobles didn’t move to towns, but towns built up around the castles and manors.

What were castles made for?

Castles were large fortified structures built to guard a particular area and mark it. So castles around the country showed the various towns in it.

What year did people started to build castles?

No one really knows the exact date someone created a castle but obviously they were needed to keep towns safe so to answer your question the Normans invented building castles first by using wood and timber and then even after their the Norman invasion of Britain in 1066 they were still using wood and timber to create castles and then through necessity turned to stone castles.

Where did a medieval lord live?

Medieval ladies usually lived in manor houses. Sometimes they lived in castles. Especially in the later part of the Middle Ages, some members of the nobility had town houses in towns or cities, so a few ladies lived in these.

Why were siege machines used?

Backspace To overcome the thick walls around some large towns, and castles.

What are towns like today?

towns today have a lot of people and have big building.

Where did lords live in the medeival times?

Usually, lords lived in manor houses, which were mansions on the manorial estates. In times of upheaval, they lived in castles, if they had them. There were some lords who lived in towns or cities, where they would have occupied some of the better homes.

Villages and towns eventually developed around castles why do you think this happened?

The people who lived in castles had power and money and could buy the things that people living nearby could produce and bring to them. It was a case of supply and demand.

What was the most important building in colonial towns?

Probably the church.

Why does building towns caused rivers to flood?

Poor infrastructure.

Where do people constructing a castle live before it is built?

People building castles usually lived in nearby towns and military style camps. Some lived within the castle while it was being built. King Edward II of England was born in a castle that was being built in Wales.

Why did towns grow around Norman castles?

People liked to live near castles because trade would come by more often because the castle was there. Also a lord could have brought in a daily or weekly market for him and his people surrounding him. Also people felt protected if they were near a castle because the army could fight invaders off. yo whats up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! == ==