Silverfish were added to add a danger into stumbling upon an Ender room. These rooms house ender portals and they found them to be too simple and easy. So they decided to add these to make the game a bit more harder, and also for survival maps and other player created things.
silverfish can hide in cobble or stone brick, silverfish are 1 block high and 1 block wide, but even though they look cute, they attack you. you can find them at the strong hold and there is a spawner at the end portal.
Increases damage to spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites.
Find the end portal. by using ender eyes
bane of arthropods does extra damage to spiders, cave spiders, and silverfish
dont know they should be in the next update.
Yes. If the silverfish is touching you, and either it or you change Y-coordinates, it does 1 point of damage. Of course, a swarm is more likely to cause a lot of damage than a lone silverfish.
Silverfish do not eat anything on Minecraft. You can't feed any hostile mob.
Get single player commands then type in spawn silver fish. Make sure it's not on peaceful.
List of NPCS: Zombies, skeletons, creepers, enderman, silverfish, squid, spiders. And the most rare out of all of them: The spider jockey.
Maybe in minecraft 1.5.3
No, a silverfish is a wingless insect.
Silverfish are insects.