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Q: Why servers are also known as Back-end terminals?
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What is Westek Technology most known for?

Westeck Technology is known for the rack mounted servers that they manufacture and supply to businesses. They also supply data storage systems to the military which is probably the best known part of their business.

The building supervisor is connected directly to the chiller and also to the?

air terminals

What s web servers?

web servers r servers open to any1 they can be used on m ultiple websites if they have that client web servers can also have private clients for only some people to use on sites

From which online stores can Hewlett Packard servers be purchased?

Hewlett Packard servers can be purchased directly from their own online store. These servers are also available at Serversplus and for pre-owned Elarasys has a good selection of servers to choose from.

Where can one purchase used sun servers?

There are many places where one can purchase used sun servers. There are many used computer equipment sites on the web that offer these servers. One may also use eBay to purchase these servers.

Where to find a website creator?

Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for other servers located in their data center, called colocation, also known as Housing in Latin America or France.

How is apple inc such a well run company?

because they come up with genius ideas right before and after popular shopping days. the are also known for their fast fast internet servers.

What is a headless server?

A server is known to be "headless" if it does not have a graphical user interface (GUI). These machines are accessed via the command line interface (CLI) which is also known as the "shell". Headless servers are popular in the business world, for example, in datacenters, and in the private sector by technical enthusiasts around the world..

What is equivalent HP server for IBM p560?

hp rx6600. Also see: lower right for comparison chart of Sun, HP, and IBM servers

What are the terminals in Halo 3 for?

The terminals are for an achievement, Marathon Man (40G), and also for backstory and information of the game. They look like a silo and when you get near it you see some sort of giant eye. The Arbiter cannot view it if you are playing co-op.

What is the difference between personal setup and server setup of Linux?

Servers usually have no need for a /home directory, since the files it provides will usually be stored in /var anyway (/var/www for web servers, for instance.) Servers also do not use X, in order to reduce resource usage and increase stability.

What technologies have been integrated in order to give us the world-wide web?

The technologies of personal computers and telecommunications. This would include the use of mainframe computers as servers, but personal computers can also be used as servers.