This is probably because you have a computer that is not powerful enough to run the emulator properly. The DS emulator requires a fairly powerful computer to run correctly.
Pokemon White are a Nintendo DS game, so look for a Nintendo DS emulator.
The no$gba is the best so far. I thing
Yes, Pokemon SoulSilver is a Nintendo DS game so it can be played on a Nintendo DS
The Nintendo DS cannot not store nor save pcitures so it is not possible to copy pictures from the Nintendo DS
No. An R4 can only emulate a game so long as you have the correct emulator that was designed to run on a DS and a ROM that can played played on that specific emulator. An R4 can only emulate ROMS. These include: Nintendo DS (well duh!!) Game Boy Advance Original Game Boy/ Game Boy Colour Nintendo 64 Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) Sega Master System Sega Mega Drive Sega Game Gear Playstation Portable? (PSP) Other kinds of games are ISO games. These are games that are to be played on an actual console such as: Playstation 1 Playstation 2 Playstation 3 Nintendo Gamecube (Can be emulated on a PC however. Google "dolphin gamecube emulator") Sega Dreamcast Xbox Xbox 360 PC Games/ Games For Windows Unfortunately, even the most powerful of DS flashcards can't emulate ISOs yet, so I guess we'll just have to see what the future holds!!
The Nintendo 3DS does not have PictoChat so you cannot chat with a person with a DS.
I don't know, but it is possible to get it on the computer for a Nintendo ds emulator. The best emulator is free and downloadable, called NO$GBA. Then you can go to a site called, search the game you want, and download it. Then open it up with the ds emulator. (You can also do this for other games and emulators.) if you do have this game for the ds can you give me ur friend code so we can duel mine is 2064 2823 1951
Nintendo ds is older, fatter, dark screen Nintendo ds lite is thin, bright screen so you can actually see and buttons are better
You need to obtain an emulator ffor the Nintendo DS, and then find a ROM for the emulator (obviously that ROM being Pokemon Platinum in this case). The ROM is essentially the game cartridge, so you load it in the emulator. Do be wary that they are essentially illegal unless you actually own the game, blah, blah...
it can be but the ds lite is a much more popular ds so in my opinion i would by the ds liteWell, the Nintendo ds is equivalent to a lite, the lite is more popular but now the Nintendo ds is rare so currently it is more expensive!
Yes, Pokémon Platinum was created to be a Nintendo DS game so it can be played on all of the Nintendo DS systems which includes the original Nintendo DS, the Nintendo DS Lite, the Nintendo DSi, the Nintendo DSi XL, the Nintendo 3DS and the upcoming Nintendo 3DS XL.
The Nintendo DS is a gaming console, not a wireless mobile phone. So no, you cannot get phone service on the Nintendo DS. Hope this helps!