In the television show "The Andy Griffith Show," Andy Taylor and Helen Crump first met when she became the new schoolteacher in Mayberry. Their initial encounter involved Andy trying to calm down a situation at Opie's school, where Helen was teaching.
Calm Down, Baby by Mac Lethal.
Calm is an action, so it is already a verb. As in "to calm down" or "to calm someone down".Calms, calming and calmed are verbs too."Please calm down"."He is calming the boss down"."He calmed the room".
Calm Down is when someone mad or something so people usually say "calm down"
Ambien will not calm you down.
You can say "calm down" in different ways such as "take a deep breath," "relax," or "stay calm."
"Calm down" - "To'a mai"
it means to calm down. oil calms cogwheels down (wheels) it just means calm down.
calm down befor i calm you down
Calm is already a verb when used in the correct context. As in "to calm".Calms, calmed and calming are also verbs, depending on the tense you want.Some example sentences are:"I will calm down"."He calms down"."I calmed her down"."We are calming her down".
calm down just calm down calm down just calm down, hey. what. what! DingoBot suspects that this answer includes Gibberish.
It wont hurt and it will surely calm them down.