Super smash bros melee is rated T for teen because it involves shooting and because if you play stanima mode, you can ''kill'' other players and see their corpses. Some claim that the fire that comes off the victims body when you punch them is blood. However, if it was, on the esrb rating it would have been considered animated blood, which is on some E10+ games. It is actually rated T for mild violence and comic mischief.
You can\'t change the stamina in melee this feature is only in super smash bros brawl.
Since Melee was rated T, it makes sense that Brawl would be rated the same.
If you mean the Super Smash Bros. Flash game, you can find it here: If you mean the original one for the N64 on an emulator, you can try If you mean Super Smash Bros. Melee, try searching Youtube. There are lots of tutorials there.
T for Teen.
I really don`t Know but I`ll try to get the answer soon When you have a Super Mushroom, the voice of the character goes deeper so keep playing in Giant Melee.
It is rated T due to the level in which you fight Gigabowser. The ESRB guys felt that the "scary image" of Gigabowser would frighten little children therefore giving the game the T rating.
you will have to find it at a used game store scince they don't sell new Gamecube games. if you know anything about e bay don`t use it message by:Yay78oop
i don`t really know
A Wii game, fighting game and rated T for Teen.
I'm pretty sure you need to send in a form that came with the game that asks you to subscribe to Nintendo power...once you do you actually get the players guide and/or t-shirt (i would go with the players guide.)
Because of Some of the guns, Snake's moves and *cough* Zero Suit Samus is a bit.... inappropriate...
use your alt-t when it comes