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There is no sequence where your character kills a little sister at the end of bioshock. during the story you get the option to "harvest" or "save" the little sisters found throughout the game. "Harvesting" a little sister forcibly removes the "ADAM slug" from there body and you get a higher "ADAM" payout but the little sister does not survive the process. While "Saving" a little sister cleanses the "ADAM" from there system, but with a lower "ADAM" payout. It is up to the player to decide what path to take.

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11y ago
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15y ago

No. Not unless you kill it's big daddy and then harvest it but if you rescue it and two more you get a gift. You can get the gift every three little sisters you rescue.

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12y ago

There are no Little Sisters in BioShock Infinite,because it is set 48 years before the first BioShock.

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What happens if ypu harvest every single little sister on BioShock?

If by "don't kill", you mean "don't harvest", you get the happiest ending to the game. You also end up collecting less ADAM than if you harvested every little sister, however saving them allows you to recieve gifts from Tenenbaum, which contain gene tonics, first aid kits and exotic ammunition.

How do you save little sisters in BioShock?

In order to save the Little Sisters, you must first kill the Big Daddy protecting them. Any gun fire or plasmid action directed towards a Big Daddy or Little Sister will cause the Big Daddy to become hostile towards you. Once he is defeated, approach the Little Sister. You will now have to option to harvest or save the girl.

Does atlas die at the end of BioShock?

Yes he does die, but its not really atlas, its fontaine and a bunch of little sisters kill him

How do you get the good ending in BioShock 2?

There are six endings in total, related to how many Little Sisters you save, your choice whether to kill or spare Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole and Gilbert Alexander. Good ending + Villain is spared. Save all little sisters and spare one of the characters. Good ending + Villain dies. Save all little sisters and don't spare any of those three. Neutral ending + Villain is spared. Harvest at least one sister, but less than you save. Spare two characters. Neutral ending + Villain dies. Harvest at least one sister, but less than you save. Spare one or no characters Bad ending + Villain is spared. Harvest more little sisters than you save. Spare all three characters. Bad ending + Villain dies. Harvest more little sisters than you save. Spare two or less characters.

Do you die in BioShock 2?

The main character, 'Delta' has a psychological bond with his 'Little Sister', Eleanor. Eleanor's mother manages to sever this bond by stopping Eleanor's heart for a short time, and the loss of this bond causes Delta to slowly shut down. Before this can kill him though, he is mortally wounded by an explosion in the ending cutscene. He either dies from his wounds, or has his essence extracted by Eleanor (given willingly or taken by force depending on the ending you got), so yes, he always dies.

Why did Ali kill her twin sister on Pretty Little Liars?

She was pretending to be Ali

Why in BioShock do you scare little girls?

The little girls are used to recover a gene-altering drug called Adam from corpses. Your character needs to get some of this Adam, so must first defeat the 'Little Sister's protective guardian, a 'Big Daddy', and then either free her from her altered state (gaining a small Adam reward) or harvest (kill) her for a larger one. Saving them gives you additional rewards later on.

Did Ian help kill Courtney in Pretty Little Liars?

No, her twin sister Ali did.

How do you get your left arm back in BioShock 2?

In Xbox 360 the only way to get you left arm back is to either kill yourself, erase you previous data catch, or rescue or harvest a little sister. You also might have to go to the next level. to avoid this glitch simply NEVER zoom in or use the plasmid scout 1 and 2.

Can a big daddy kill you in BioShock?

Anything can kill you almost. So yeah. A big daddy can kill you. He has a HUGE drill or a rivet gun. It all depends if Splicers can kill you. Assume they can kill you.

Can you see bacteria because my little sister slaps herself thinking she kills them on her skin?

No, you cannot see bacteria. Your little sister will not be able to kill them by slapping herself. Try to take a bath instead.

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Ariel and Prince Eric get married and Ariel gives birth to little Melody (after her singing voice) The real ending would be the Hans Christian Anderson ending. The little mermaid accepts death rather than kill her prince and return to being a mermaid.