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Alison is not a real person, she is created so that members know how to report people's pages if it becomes necessary.

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Q: Why do you report alisons presontationin stardoll?
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Related questions

How do you use the report button for alisons presentation on stardoll?

click on the button an the right corner on allisons page follow the instructions dont worry its fine and when your done your done

How do you rob on stardoll?

well you add alie23 then send her a gift then you get free stuff! Listen, to rob is against the Stardoll rules, you should not be asking about it. If you rob or scam the member will go crazy and report you and ask her friends to report you. Then, the Stardoll Staff may delete your account.

Is stardollcom bad?

No, stardoll isn't bad at all. If you would like to report anyone, you simply e-mail the stardoll staff.

Where is the report button on stardoll for Allison?

On the bottom right corner of her page.

How do you unativate a stardoll?

you cant. the only way you can do it is to make another account and report the account three or four times or get someone else to report your account for you

Can you report someone on stardoll during a party?

Unfortunatly you can't during the party. However, you can open a new tab/window and go onto stardoll then. Find out their username and report them on their profile whilst you're at the party or if you're not really bothered about leaving the party for a couple of seconds, visit them on the same tab and report them on their profile.

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She didn't

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What actors and actresses appeared in Alisons baby - 2001?

The cast of Alisons baby - 2001 includes: Alison Lapper as herself Parys Lapper as himself

How do you block someone on stardoll?

go down and you will see a purple x icon click it and it will say ''are you sure you want to block _____? ( Stardoll username ) if you want to report him/her press the ! mark near the block mark then write your meaning why your reporting thats how you do it

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alisons informatics

Why does it say an error has occurred when you try to send a gift to someone on Stardoll?

Errors can occur for many reasons. You should try to send the gift again and if you still receive an error message, report it to Stardoll.