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Depictions of the kraken show a giant tentacled monster that is clearly some sort of cephalopod (octopus, squid, or cuttlefish). The closest creature to this known to science is the giant squid.

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Q: Why do people think the giant squid and kraken might be the same creatures?
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I think yes. Why else would there be so many paintings and drawings of a colossal creature that looks like a squid taking down ships all the way to the depths. I honestly do not think they were lying when they painted them. So YES i think it does OR at one time did exist because it might be dead by now. I also think yes and i even heared a story about it a couple years ago. it was about a squid with hooks on its tentacles and it was the as long as ten busses. they captured it and took it. they did research on it and it was only a baby one so to this day they don't know how big they get and some think they don't exist at all. But that story i heard got me to trust it was real. But we are not sure if it still does.

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On wizard 101 how do you get a free mount?

First, you have to kill blackhope to get to Triton avenue.Then, you go to Blad RavenEye.Finish all the quest's he have to offer (Might lvl up!).Then use teleporter to get to Schomer SunBlade.Do his quest, then kill the Kraken (Rank 3 Boss).Then just kill the kraken a few time's then you might get Wing's or a Horse.I really hope this helped: Daniel BoomP.S - I don't think you will get a permenent mount. But mostly a one day!

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you might be able to tell because the GIANT squid is supposed to be larger Giant Squid are actually GIANT.... Therefore if you see a squid & dont say "OMGG that thing is HUGE" then it isnt a GIANT Squid