

Why did World War 2 start in 1939?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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15y ago

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Hitler wanted to start the second "great war" sometime within the years of 1939-1945 to regain the land lost by Germany in the first World War and to unite all German-speaking people. He rebuilt the Germany army (the Heer) the navy (Kriegsmarine), the airforce (Luftwaffe) and the paramilitary SS and in April 1939 started to negotiate with Russia regarding a war with Poland. Some little known facts regarding the war are: Hitler wanted to start the war no later than 1945 because he was afraid his equipment would become obsolete, with Hitler's success in peacefully annexing Austria and Czechslovakia, he though he could pull off the Polish war without incident, and that German forces successfully hid themselves near the Polish border seven days before the war.

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