it could be running 3rd party software or trying to run crossscrips it all depends on you OP
Check the fuse.
Sony Ericson's k530i application and games cant open it says operation failed?
When you get off wiki answers. P.S you cant fish.
unfortully you cant open them so you better hope no one farts in back of your car
Usually Windows uses letters such as "k" as a name for a data storage device or network location. If it will not open it may either be damaged or locked.
When using "Run", you can only " Type the name of a program, folder, document, or Internet resource, and Windows will open it for you". If you want to start a task manually, you can open Windows Task Launcher, but only if you have Windows Vista or higher. You can also use Windows Task Manager to start a task or close an unresponsive program.
When all of your windows are open
you cant. and even if you could you still wont be able to open the files. sorry
Open the keys with the door.
Actually, Casement windows DO open. Casement windows are really any window that is hinged. Some Casement windows are designed to open to the outside while others are designed to open inwards. Jim
you cant really open it but you can break it open
Most windows are fitted with a latch that props them in the open position.