no you cant
you can get online achievements by going online and getting them. But you cant get them offline or when your connected to Xbox LIVE, what do you mean by regular xbox profile though do you mean before new xbox experience because its kind of the same thing
No the original xbox cant use xbox live if you can use a older program called xbox connect that allows the xbox to go online through your computer. April 15 2010 Microsft became poor
on online you cant set up camp
well first of all online is xbox live and you cant beat it. :)
well you cant get xbox live with an AOL connection my suggestion is switching from AOL to optimum online that's how i did it
No you cant.
i have tried this my self, you cant sorry.
You cant its not an online game. But Halo 2 is and you just hook an ethernet cord from the back of the xbox to your computer modem.
first of all you cant transfer downloaded items that have cost money aka Microsoft points. If you somehow do transfer it though i don't believe you have to be online to play it if is already downloaded onto your hard drive.
prob cause you cant get on to that profile... Possible Improvement = People are stupid. When they set up their profile they put themselves as minors. When their profile are minors, you cant friend request a minor as an adult they have to friend request you. Gay but mostly their fault. People are stupid.