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Q: Why can't I buy anything on fable 3?
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NOTHING , cause ur parents cant be bothered to buy you anything

Which Fable game should you buy?

I personally think you sould buy Fable 2. Not Fable 3, because in Fable 3, when you turn evil; your weapon changes. But in Fable 2, you grow horns; or if you're good, you grow a halo. :)

When do you get pistols in Fable 3?

When you buy them or find them.

Can you play Fable 3 on your computer?

Sorry but NO, you can't.

Where do you buy a ragdoll in Fable 3?

You can buy those in gift shops.

Which is better Fallout 3 or Fable 2?

Fallout 3 will be extremely better then fable 2, fable 2 is a regurgitated fable 1 with ebtter graphics. fallout 3 is a whole new world whose main story has more hours of gameplay then all the missions combined in fable 2, as well as a more immersive, awesomer world well... that can be taken two ways. all fallout 3 is to me is oblivion remade with better graphics, and guns......... you cant really compare the two because they are made by 2 completely different companys and besides in fable 2 you can do anything well almost in fact you can even have a kid. now you cant say that about fall out 3 can you?

Can you fish in Fable 3?

No you can't fish in Fable 2No. Fishing has been taken out. You can buy fish.

Should you buy Fallout New Vegas or Fable 3 and why?

BOTH! I actually can't comment on Fallout New Vegas because I haven't played it, but Fable 3 was awesome. I loved Fable 1, hated Fable 2. Fable 3 is really awesome. I'm on my 3rd play through since Tuesday.

Who would win Call of Duty Black Ops or Fable 3?

fable 3 has more options and black ops get's old i would buy fable 3 then wait till black ops price goes down

How do you buy stuff in fable 3 after the end of the story?

the same way at the start

Where can you get toy bow in fable 3?

There is a general store in Aurora in Fable III. Keep trying to buy out the shop to hopefully get a toy bow!

Shall I buy Fallout New Vegas or fable 3 also how long is the gameplay on fable roughly?

It depends on what gamepaly you like if its hours of fps gun killing its fallout new Vegas for you but if you like games with more varied combat and story then fable 3. Also fable 3 is quite short