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The Mario Series Started with Donkey Kong in 1982 which was an Arcade game. During this time the goal of all Arcade games was to get the highest score because their was no end. Super Mario Bros. was the first major game to ever have an ending. They kept the scoring to keep those early gamers familiar to what they were comfortable with. Scoring stayed in the Mario series up until Super Mario 64.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It's a score, the higher the number, the better you're doing. What's not to get? It doesn't really do anything. But if you're score's higher than someone else's, than you're better at it than them.

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with Mario party points , you can earn badges of your rivals like goomba .

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What is the high score in Mario Kart?

The high score would depend on which Mario Kart you are talking about. Also, in some of the Mario Karts, in Multiplayer mode, you can set how many races you want to do. In the Grand Prix on Mario Kart Wii, your maximam score that you can get in points is 60 points; 15 points per race. In Double Dash!!, you can get a Max Score of 40 points. Most every Mario Kart has a Max Score of 40 points. In Mario Kart Wii, if you set the races to 25, your Max Score (let's say you got 1st every time) would be 375 points. It all depends on how many races and which Mario Kart you are referring to.

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The greatest number of points you can have is 480 points.

Do your points get you anything in new super Mario wii?

Wi-Fi points? If so, No.

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In his career Mario got 1,895 points counting the playoffs in his 1,022 career games in 18 seasons.

What is the world record for having the most points in new super Mario bros?

45 points

On Super Mario Bros what do points do?

On the original Super Mario Brothers, I believe they just add up.

What are all the star points you get from enemies on paper Mario 64?

Every time you defeat an enemy you get a certain number of star points. Once you've accumulated 100 star points you are able to pick betweene 3 things: give Mario more health points (so you have a less chance of dying) , give Mario more flower points (which you can use for special attacks like the bounce jumb or charge hammer), or give Mario more badge points (you can find badges throughout the game which has a wide rage of abbilities. Some badges give you more defence, or makes Mario more powerful).

How do you get 15000 points on Mario Kart wii?

you have to play wi fi enough and that adds points, but if you don't get at least 5th place, points will be subtracted!

Do you get club Nintendo points in Mario 3d land?

You get the usual redemption code in the Super Mario 3D Land box.