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because they are filled with water and the water got their from evaperation

when the clouds are dark those are rain clouds

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Q: Why are clouds become dark?
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What Cumulus clouds become dark towering clouds?

Cumulus clouds become Cumulonimbus (dark towering clouds) when enough water vapor condenses in the same spot.

Why do clouds turn dark when its about to storm?

Clouds appear dark before a storm because they become thicker and higher, blocking more sunlight from passing through. This creates a shadow effect and gives the appearance of dark clouds. Additionally, the moisture content in the clouds increases as a storm approaches, which can make them appear darker.

What is dark rain?

Dark rain Clouds are clouds that are black when it rains

How do clouds become dark?

When more water dropplets gather and clump together ready to fall (rain).

What are clouds that are dark and gray?

cirrus clouds are dark and usally bring rain

What is part of speech to sentence dark billowing clouds?

"dark billowing clouds" isn't a sentence. Dark and billowing are adjectives describing clouds, a plural noun.

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Dark Clouds - song - was created in 1997-02.

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What clouds make a dark day?

rain clouds

When was Dark Clouds in a Perfect Sky created?

Dark Clouds in a Perfect Sky was created in 2004-10.

If stratus clouds are dark what are they called?

If stratus clouds are dark, they are often referred to as nimbostratus clouds. These clouds are thick and capable of producing continuous precipitation, such as rain or snow.

Why does thunder occur in cloudy weather only?

cuz in clouds, once enough precipitation forms and clouds become heavy and dark, rain, and snow could form depending on the season, and lightning can occur from the clouds causing thunder.