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Namine could control the memories of anyone inside Castle Oblivion.

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Q: Whose memories could Namine control?
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How did Kairi's heart's going into Sora create Namine?

Namine, Kairi's Nobody, was created when Kairi lost her heart, while Roxas, Sora's Nobody, was created when Sora lost his heart. Because Kairi's heart was in Sora, Namine could control Sora's memories. Namine can take anyone's memories.

How is sora asleep?

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Sora was put to sleep by Namine to regain the memories he had lost because of her. She was forced by the Organization to re-write his memories to fit their plans, but Sora saved Namine from their control. She put him to sleep by putting him in a capsule, along with Donald and Goofy, to erase their memories of ever meeting her or being in Castle Oblivion so he could regain his old ones she re-wrote. He cannot wake up until he gets all of them.

Is Xion a Heartless?

No, she is one of the puppets that Vexen created. For example, in Kingdom Hearts Chain Of Memories and Rechain of memories (the version for PlayStation2) he created a puppet Riku to lure Sora in so Namine could erase his memory so Vexen, Axel, Marluxia, and Larxene could have Kingdom Hearts for themselves. Yeah, they were going to use him. :0

Who is namine in Kingdom Hearts?

Namine is Kairi's nobody just like Roxas is Sora's. True, but she, because Kairi's heart had been inside Sora's, could manipulate and control the chain of memories linked in Sora's heart and those connected to him. The Organization in Castle Oblivion decided to use this power to find a way to get to Sora and use his power for their own use. They forced her to take some of Sora and company's memories and creates new ones, especially with her in them as his friend replacing Kairi in Sora's memories. When the Organization members are all defeated at the end of KH Chain of Memories, Namine chooses to fix the damage she has done by placing Sora, Donald, and Goofy into a hibernation, reconnecting the memory chains she has broken. She encounters Riku and helps him out, then she offers to seal his darkness in his heart by placing him into sleep like the others, knowing and hoping he'd refuse. She is convinced by DiZ soon to bring Sora to Twilight Town for monitoring. Then, she helps Roxas out with his new sort of life in the alternate Twilight Town while trying to fix Sora's memories... ~someone_your_not~

Why did namine put Sora to sleep?

Namine put Sora to sleep because as he walked into Castle Oblivion (A strange castle that causes visitors to lose their memories) Sora lost his memories. Sora is the keyblade weilder. (the keyblade is a weapon that can entinguish dark creaturs called heartless and create Kingdom Hearts through them)He is needed to protect the worlds from the heartless and Organization Xlll (which are a group of nobodies trying to harness Sora's power to complete Kingdom Hearts to gain hearts of their own)He needs to regain his memories to remember his best friends Kairi and Riku and his goal to save the worlds.To see what happened during the year that Sora was asleep, play Kingdom Hearts 368/2 Days for Nitendo DS and DSi.True, but Sora could have just remembered what happened at the Castle Oblivion--which was created by Aqua on Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep--but he CHOSE to get his old memories back. Since Namine is a witch that can control Sora's memories and those connected to him because Kairi was her other half and stuff, blah blah blah...I'll continue with this question later.But I don't think the castle has anything to do with memories. It wasn't the cause of sora's memory lose, It was Namine. Otherwise the other organization members would also lose their memories. I also believe the reason sora had to be put to sleep was the fact that if he wanted his old memories back, The memories from the castle must be removed. He had to sleep otherwise if he had been awake he would suffer from having all his memories replaced all at one time. Kinda like how you are put to sleep for surgery.

In the kingdom hearts wiki for coded it said that roxas and namine were suffering and Sora was the only one who could save them how were they suffering?

Roxas And Namine Is Apart of Sora, Roxas is The Dark Side of Sora And Namine is The forgetten Part of Sora So he has to Save them In order to be Whole Again

Can somebody explain in detail what happens during Kingdom Hearts Re Chain of Memories i am from England and cannot play the game sadly?

I'll do my best. Sora found Castle Oblivion & decided to look inside. One of the Organization members gave Sora cards, leading to different worlds. Donald & Goofy turned into cards as well. Everyone forgot every spell & ability they knew. But the worlds they entered were really illusions, & the people they knew were illusions to, & they don't remember Sora or the others. Riku was there to, but Sora didn't know it at first. Eventually, the Organization told him. The Organization told Riku to. As Sora, Donald, Goofy & Jiminy went deeper into the castle, they forgot many things, and 'remembered' others. Only Sora 'remembered' things, which were really fake memories created by Namine, Kairi's Nobody. Namine didn't want to mess with Sora, but the Organization told her if she didn't do it, they'll keep her in the castle forever. At first, Namine only added memories of her into Sora's heart, but then eventually she removed his memories of Kairi, using the memories she created to replace them. As Sora went farther, he defeated some Organization members, Riku did as well, but none of his memories were affected. Vexen made a copy of Riku, to make Sora believe Riku was taken over by the Darkness again. Namine changed the Thalassa lucky charm that Kairi gave Sora into some other lucky charm, to make Sora believe she gave it to him. This is also the place where Sora meets Axel for the first time. Eventually, Sora makes it to Twilight Town, and he feels it's familiar. Goofy believes it's just like with Namine, but Sora knows it's different. With Namine, memories came back to him, piece by piece, but with Twilight Town, it just feels familiar. Vexen shows up and asks him if he can tell which one's fake. Sora believes his memories of Namine are real. Vexen fights Sora, and after, Axel destroys Vexen. Eventually, Namine explains the truth to Sora, that his memories of her are fake, and that Kairi is really the one he knows and likes. Sora want's to forget all about what happened, so Namine puts him to sleep in the pod so she can remove those memories, and piece the ones he forgot that were real back together. Riku experienced a hard journey as well, but had King Mickey to help. They met DiZ, and Riku realized Darkness wasn't all bad, so he embraced it and used it to defeat Xehanort's Heartless. Namine gave him a choice to, she knew the Darkness he let in would eventually take over him, she could remove that Darkness, but then Riku had to forget about Castle Oblivion to. Riku decided to remember and keep that shred of Darkness in his heart. He and King Mickey dressed as Organization XIII members, and decided to investigate their plans...

Kingdom hearts 2 what happends to roxas?

Near the very end of the game Namine appears,and Sora walks up to her but is stopped when an apparition of Roxas comes out of Sora. Then after Roxas' talk with Namine,he then fuses with Sora. So I guess you could say he's inside of Sora. Weird huh?

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If Memories Could Breathe--- - 2008 was released on: USA: 2008 (Seattle, Washington)

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The training of the receiver of memories was kept secret to protect the community's members. The memories contained pain and suffering that could be overwhelming for an individual to handle on their own. Keeping the training secret prevented others from becoming emotionally burdened by the memories. Additionally, secrecy helped maintain control over the community by ensuring that only a select few held such powerful knowledge.

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I'm not 100% sure, but it could just be a reflection of Roxas "memories" of Kairi from Sora. Or it could be fanservice.

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There is a portishead song called It could be Sweet. Not sure if that is it. It was nineties I think. What kind of music is this song?