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Both Hercules and Achilles would be excellent modern day heroes. Both had admirable qualities that would help better life today.

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Q: Who would be a better modern day hero Heracles or Achilles?
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What did thetis tell Achilles when he swore revenge?

That Achilles would die shortly after.

Why does Achilles deny Hector's request?

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You are a demigod who has incredible strength?

That would be Hercules, or Heracles.

Why does Achilles deny hector dying request?

Patroclus, Achilles' friend wore Achilles' armor. Hector killed him took the armor and refused to return it. Achilles would not forgive this.

What did Zeus do for Achilles when thetis asked him?

Thetis was promised that Achilles would have honor and glory.

What was the weakness of Achilles?

The weakness of Achilles was that when he was young he was foretold that he would die young .

Who was Heracles wife when he died?

That would be Deianeira, his second wife.

Why is my Achilles tendon hurt in the morning?

A persons Achilles tendon hurts usually after taking a run. If the Achilles tendon continues to hurt I would see a doctor.

Did the greek god Athena love Hecules?

No, the Greek goddess Athena did not love Heracles; she was goddess of heroic endeavor so Heracles would ask her help and favor.

Who would win in a one on one battle Achilles or Leonides?

Achilles would win because he was a greater warrior. Although Spartans were lifetime warriors unlike the other Greek tribes, and thus much more effective in combat, according to sources, Achilles' combat skill was second to none. He was exceptional. In addition, Achiles was a half-god (his mother was a goddess and his father was a mortal). From Atlantis01: Achilles was also completely invulnerable - that is except for his heel - as he was dipped in the river styx as a child. even though The spartan armour and weaponry was much better thatn the panoplia that Achilles would have had given him a distinct advantage...if Achilles wasn't half god. adding to that, the Leonidas we all know and love was about 60 years old at Themopylae, battle scarred and old, he would prove little match for young and god-like Achilles. From soccerbeast010: Also Achilles was second only to Hector who was the greatest fighter in the world. The thing about Achilles being invulnerable --- that comes from a minor poem by Statius not from Homer. In fact if you read the Illiad, you will see that Achilles is wounded four times. In fact Achilles was warned in a prophesy that he would be killed at Troy and he did everything he could to get out of going.(initially) And why would he wear armour if he war invulnerable? I think it detracts a bit from the story to make him death-proof. And Achilles killed Hector in a one on one totally fair fight. So Hector wasn't the greatest. In fact Ajax the greater went toe to toe with Hector three time and the fights were all draws. But as for Achilles vs Leonides. Achilles would definitely win.

How do you use Achilles heels in a sentence?

The phrase "Achilles' heel" is a way of naming a weakness. An example of a sentence using the phrase would be: While he was a fantastic Basketball player, free throws were his Achilles' heel.