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There will be no NBA live (Elite) 11 for home consoles such as the PS3 and Xbox 360, however NBA Elite 11 for the iOS features Kevin Durant of the Oklahoma City Thunder.

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Q: Who will be on the cover NBA live 11?
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Who is going to be on the cover of NBA live 11?

It's not called NBA Live 11, it is NBA Elite 11. Kevin Durant is on the cover. NBA 2k11 has Michael Jordan on it.

Who is on the cover on NBA live 11?

There Isn't One It's Called NBA Elite 2011 Now.Kevin Durant on the cover of NBA Elite !2011

Is NBA elite 11 a video game?

yes it is, it has not come out yet actually NBA elite is NBA live but NBA live changed it's name to NBA elite, PAul PIerce will be on the cover

Can you trade NBA live 10 for NBA live 11?

No. Because NBA Live had changed is label to NBA Elite 11 and was cancelled, due to glitches and a late release.

Who is on the cover of NBA Live 2010?

Dwight Howard will be on the cover.

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Dwayne Wade is the cover.

Who will be on the cover of NBA live 2010?

Orlando Magic center Dwight Howard will be the coverman for the upcoming NBA Live 10.

Who is on the cover of NBA live 09?

tony Parker retart

What year does NBA live 11 come out?

It is called NBA Elite 11 but it's not good. I suggest getting NBA 2k11. Both games are already out.

Who is on the cover of NBA Live 13?

LeBron James with his trademark headband.

Will carmelo Anthony be on another nba live cover?

No, it's Tony Parker.

What are the release dates for NBA Live Bring It Home - 2007?

NBA Live Bring It Home - 2007 was released on: USA: 11 February 2007