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Q: Who is the criminal on Poptropica?
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What do you do in poptropica island counterfeit?

In Counterfeit Island you go and find the person who stole The Scream that's the painting that gets stolen at one point. Then you must find the criminal who stole it.

Where is early Poptropica?

Early poptropica is on the Poptropica map. You fly there in the Poptropica blimp.

What island is the bank on in Poptropica?

The bank is Downtown on Super Power Island. They experienced a robbery by the super-powered criminal Copycat, who can split into 10 identical copies of herself. (see related question)

How do you find your blimp on mystery train island on poptropica after you get to the fair?

I don't think you can I believe you must chase the Criminal and trap her then you talk to the president he gives you your reward then you get to go back to Washington,DC

How do you get an access card on Poptropica?

to get an access card on poptropica you must buy it with poptropica credits in the poptropica store

Who is the vendor on Poptropica?


Is Poptropica coming out on the 24th of August?

Poptropica is already out. Poptropica is already out.

Is there more to Poptropica?

There isn't more to Poptropica. Poptropica= all the islands.

What is the conveyor on Poptropica?

the conveyor on poptropica is someone or something that conveys poptropica

Where is the watertower on Poptropica?

The Poptropica Towers are in Early Poptropica.

When will Poptropica island 2 be unlocked in Poptropica?

Poptropica Island is already unlocked.

Where is mainstreet on Poptropica?

main street on poptropica is in early poptropica the first island